
Director of the Branch - Sergey Kobelev


Name of the department Phone / Fax E-mail Address
Customer service department +7(495) 258-8050, +7(495) 258-8053 [email protected] 127994, street Suschevskaya, 21, Moscow, Russian Federation
Director's office +7(495) 258-8050, +7(495) 688-9947 [email protected] 127473, street Dostoevskogo, 1/21, Moscow, Russian Federation

Contacts of the managements in the Central Federal District >>

Location map

We are waiting customers at the address: Moscow, street Suschevskaya, 21, 2nd entrance, 2nd floor
Working hours: Monday-Thursday 10:00 - 17:00.

Working hours

Day of the week Schedule
Monday - Thursday
From 9.00 till 18.00, lunch break from 12.00 till 12.45
From 9.00 till 16.45, lunch break from 12.00 till 12.45
Reception hours:
Monday - Thursday
From 10.00 till 17.00
Not reception day

Radiocontrol department:

Office of the Radiocontrol department: street Starokrymskaya, 13, Moscow, Russian Federation

1. Subway Station "Boulevard of Dm. Donskoy", exit to the direction of the train, then to the buses in the direction of South Butovo, then buses #94, #146, #213, #262 to the stop "Starokrymskaya street". Bus travel time - 7-10 minutes.
2. Subway station "Yasenevo", exit to the direction of the train, then turn left,  then buses #101, #165, #202, #710 to the stop "Starokrymskaya street". Bus travel time - 20-25 minutes.
3. By car - turn from the Moscow Ring Road in the direction of Butovo, then drive along the Kulikovskaya street ~ 3 km. After the castle "South Butovo" on the left of the dividing lawn - left U-turn, then follow the Kulikovskaya street before entering the Office of the Radiocontrol department (the gate in the light-green fence).